$39.95 DVD Sale



RFTS Toddler, Lil' Explorers Multi-Age Curriculum, Read2Learn Lesson Plans, Alphabet Files, & Bonus Printables - over 6,000 Files on 1 DVD!


Are you looking for a curriculum for your younger preschoolers? This curriculum is perfect for those 2 year olds and younger 3's. Some younger toddlers can benefit form it as well. This CD Special includes 3 Series of curriculum - that is 36 months of lesson plans, enrichments and all the instructions you need to provide your group with fun filled activities.

The RFTS Toddler Curriculum offers 4 monthly themes with 3 mini-themes each week. Each day is broken down for you and offers; Cognitive & Language, Sensory & Art, Literacy & Books, Music & Movement, Exploration & Discovery and Large & Small Muscle activities.

Click on the links to view a sample of each Series below.

Series I |Series II|Series III

Here are just a small sampling of the activities which you will find on this CD:

Click here for more info about this program and to download more samples.

RFTS Toddler Series I, II, & III Lesson Plans + Bonus Printables 

Lil' Explorers Lesson Plans + Bonus Alphabet Files Lil' Explorers Infants, Toddlers & Preschooler Lessons Units 1-15. Click here for more info.

This is a small sample of unit 1 Infant, Toddler & Preschool Lesosns!

Maybe you prefer to teach using Literature? Or want a fun lesson plan for the summer months? Why not purchase the Read2Learn Series? Curriuclum 13 lessons are available, more coming soon! Book Titles: The Big Hungry Bear, The Very Busy Spider, Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks, Twas the Night Before Christmas, Please Say Please, The Hello Goodbye Window, The Big Red Barn, Snow Friends, Stone Soup, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Hooray for You!, Mouse Paint, The Kissing Hand.  More info on this great product? Click here. Samples shown below from the Stone Soup Lesson.


Read2Learn Lesson Plans